Saturday, April 23, 2011

Swim to Slim...

I recently participated in a weight loss challenge with some friends that was documented on and had an epic failure. At one point I gained back the weight I had lost but ultimately finished the challenge with a total weight loss of 4 lbs. This is not even close to my goal of 25lbs. I have a huge hurdle I was not able to jump which is that I am a huge

Procrastination consumes me and I feel defeated before I start. 
We are starting a new challenge in a week and I have decided to finally put my mouth where my money is. I have recently rejoined the gym. (I think I have joined this particular gym 4 times in 8 years). I hate treadmills, I hate elliptical and most every other type of cardio equipment made. So instead of hating working out (another great reason to procrastinate).
and doing something I don't enjoy I am going to Swim to Slim by doing laps at the pool. I have always enjoyed swimming, and well it is a lot more fun than walking in place.

I am going to track my progress and challenges that I face along my journey with the hopes that having something else other than myself to answer to will help focus me and keep me moving towards my goal. You can also follow the challenge at I hope to provide some humor as well as some motivation to the new members of the challenge and most importantly to myself!

aka Corey